EXPLORING PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) RECYCLING | CERFO (Centro Europeo de Reciclaje Fotovoltaico) | Upcoming Energies


EXPLORING PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) RECYCLING | CERFO (Centro Europeo de Reciclaje Fotovoltaico)

With the support of Becquerel Institute, Galp delved into various aspects, including end of life routes for PV modules and the PV recycling landscape in the European context.

Startup name/ Name of project:
A PV module recycling facility, in collaboration with Centro Europeo de Reciclaje Fotovoltaico (CERFO), and Becquerel Institute

Technology used:
Photovoltaic (PV)

Project’s duration:
During 2023


Project’s location:
Aragón, Spain

Small project description:
Examination of CERFO’s photovoltaic module recycling facility, including a detailed analysis of the photovoltaic recycling market and its regulations. With the support of Becquerel Institute, Galp delved into various aspects, including end of life routes for PV modules and the PV recycling landscape in the European context. Moreover, the companies performed an evaluation of CERFO's operations and technological capabilities, along with a comparative analysis with other businesses
