Mentoring circular economy startups on the accelerator Triggers | Upcoming Energies

Innovation News

Mentoring circular economy startups on the accelerator Triggers

In 2021, Andy Brown spoke at the Web Summit and announced Galp’s commitment to innovation and cro-creation. The partnership with Triggers and the green acceleration program from Casa do Impacto is a result of that commitment.

Triggers is an acceleration program that encourages new sustainable ideas and solutions. The goal is to find and encourage motivated entrepreneurs, projects, and startups that wish to engage in solving environmental problems.

The program was created by Casa do Impacto and consists of four stages: Ideation and Matchmaking, Bootcamp, Acceleration, and Incubation.

Over the last months, Galp Upcoming Energies was committed to this project, with Manuel Andrade and Joana Larsen as mentors. They both had the opportunity to help five different startups from all over the world (ten in total) in the development stage of their project. 

The 3 finalists of the program are now chosen and celebrate the circular economy and the optimization of waste. AniMob, Material Species / Studio8, and La Virgule will all be incubated and receive funding.

With more than €30K in prizes, and a chance to meet important potential investors, this competition is truly appealing to every entrepreneur focused on environmental sustainability. But more important than that, this is a unique opportunity to get training, mentoring, experience, and feedback.
