Innovation News
Galp Innovation Centers promote workshop for researchers from IST

On March 31st, Galp had the opportunity to present projects, technologies, and pilots that are being developed, with the aim of aligning research and development at IST with Galp's innovation roadmaps. The Production & Operations team, represented by João Casacão, Production & Operations Innovation Project Manager, and Marco Ferraz, Head of Production & Operations Innovation Center, shared the challenges related to the battery value chain, as well as some solutions in terms of materials and new technologies that enable a more sustainable process.

Eurico Correia, Innovation for Renewables & Energy Management Innovation Lead, presented Galp's investments in renewable energies, with a special focus on solar and wind energies, as well as energy storage solutions in response to the intermittency and lack of flexibility that comes with this type of energy. Emilien Simont, Head of Renewables Innovation Center, joined the session, focusing on the potential of solar energy in the Iberian Peninsula, and presented a pilot project of agrovoltaics, which combines agriculture and photovoltaic solar panels.
Representing the Commercial Innovation Center was Pedro Gouveia, Smart Mobility Lead, who presented some of the developments and innovations in the area of wireless charging of electric vehicles. IST researchers also had the opportunity to share their latest research lines, innovative solutions, and technologies focused on the different areas discussed. During the session, there was also room for participants to exchange ideas in a more informal conversation.

The initiative allowed Galp to showcase its work and to expose the research that has been carried out at IST, highlighting the importance of collaboration and connection to the academic ecosystem. This commitment to better align with universities is a priority for Galp and a step forward on the path to energy transition.