VEHICLE2GRID | Nissan Iberia, MagnumCap, Nuvve | Upcoming Energies


VEHICLE2GRID | Nissan Iberia, MagnumCap, Nuvve

Thr V2G is a pioneer project in Portugal and in Europe that aims to test an innovative technology, whose potential could change the way we think about cars and mobility.

Startup name/ Name of project:
Pioneer vehicle-to-grid project in Portugal with 10 EVs performing grid services

Technology used:
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)
Project’s duration:
February 2019 – December 2021

Completed / Under evaluation

Project’s location:
São Miguel, Azores

Small project description:
The V2G is a pioneer project in Portugal and in Europe that aims to test an innovative technology, whose potential could change the way we think about cars and mobility. V2G’s goal is to leverage on whenever cars are parked to transform them from being cost centres to sources of income. Galp, alongside its partners, tested three different V2G applications: The first one, was a tariff saving (behind-the-meter), where cars were charged during super off-peak hours (when it’s cheaper) and then used that energy during peak hours, when energy is more expensive. The second vertical was the grid services, with a particular focus on the frequency regulation service (~50Hz), in which whenever there was a variation in the grid, the cars would immediately inject to absorb the energy of the network, keeping it stable. The last application was about integrating more renewable energies in the network. To do that, the cars were charged using the wind energy surplus (that otherwise would have been curtailed), normally between 2am and 5am. This project took a total of 43000 operating hours, accounted for 126 000 km covered, with over 100 MWh injected into the grid and avoided the production of more than 15 tons of CO2.
